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Updated site look (plus side bar)! 16/02/2024 1:47 PM

So, last night I updated the look of the site. I particularly added boxes around the top bar with the header and navigation and the content box. As you probably also see, I got a side box that has my social links in it. This will also have some other information, not sure if it will be dependant on where you are on the site or if I'll just put the same extra info on all pages of the site. Though, I don't think it would be a bad idea to use it for extra info on specific pages... I'll consider that. Anyway, enjoy the new look of the site! (Should've made this update last night, oops...)

The News and Updates Section has been added!!! 13/02/2024 7:48 PM

As of this post, the News and Updates section has launched on the ProperMax website! I have no idea exactly how I'll organize the posts here right now, but I definitely know that they will eventually be listed in pages, as there's no way in hell I'll contain all of this to one page without having to, at some point, delete older posts (which isn't something I want to do!!!). I'll figure it out eventually, but in the mean time I guess it'll just be "THE News and Updates PAGE", or "The Yet To Be News and Updates Section" for now. lol

Still learning how to make a website, so this site will get better over time! Palestine

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